Welcome to Veda's Adventures! Bedtime Stories for the Awakening.
Book One of of the Veda's Adventure Series is available now in full color hardback!
Veda's Victory written by Allison Avalon and co-illustrated by
Austen Mikulka and Allison Avalon.
Order your copy today!
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Bedtime Stories for the Awakening

Veda's Victory
Book 1 of Veda's Adventures Series. 1st Edition Limited Hardback picture book. 40 full color pages. Printed on recycled paper, using vegetable based inks, in US. Written by Allison Avalon. Co-illustrated by Allison Avalon and Austen MikulkaA picture book for all ages. Especially suitable for young children Age 0-6. Mostly pictures with one line of text per page.
veda's adventures coming LATE 2025
Veda's Adventure Storybook is in PROGRESS.
This book will contain at least 13 original Veda's Adventure stories compiled as a storybook for all ages to enjoy. Playful B/W illustrations will dance around the edges and in between the stories. If you liked Veda's Victory, then you'll LOVE these stories.
This is a story book, especially designed for the inner child within us all and for children Age 7 and up, although I hold that is for all ages.
Veda's Adventures begins as a story in rhyme...
A picture book about a girl named Veda who finds her confidence within a magic portal of a hula hoop!
Veda means wisdom, knowledge, or to see. Veda's Adventures is a journey of a girl learning to understand the sacred knowledge of herself!
Her journey begins in book one, where she cultivates her self-esteem to more fully engage with the world. She learns that it takes practice to learn new skills. As she does, she builds inner confidence and discovers her unique expression of joy and creativity.
Veda's Adventures is more than just a story. This emerging series is a valuable tool that can inspire us to exercise, play, create community, and use our imaginations! Veda finds magic within a hoop. Imagine what adventures you can have when you read along and find your own magic within!
This story is JUST the beginning. Allison has written more than a dozen additional Veda's Adventure stories that she believes are better than the first one. They explore the complex topics of grief, anger, fear, death, and attachment and help children and adults understand and embody emotional intelligence. She plans to release them all as a storybook by the end of 2023. She needs your help! Buy a copy of Book 1 now and consider contributing to the creation of the storybook by pre-ordering the storybook!
"I want to tell you how amazing Veda's Victory is!!! Truly impacting in so many ways! My daughter is almost 4 and we read it every night before bed, she recites it while she sings and plays. Myself, I couldn't even read it without choking up...for the first four times or so I read through it <3. You have created beautiful inspiration for children and parents<3 my daughter REALLY wants to meet Miss Ali :) "
-Amanda A
"Veda's Victory is my daughter's favorite book. We have read it so many times that I know the whole story by heart. Thank you for making a story that is fun for kids and adults alike! When will the next one be out?" -Meredith, Mother of 2
"I am in tears. My inner child needed to hear this story so much. Veda and the Crystal Castle (from Veda's Adventures) is truly a masterpiece for all ages." -Keith, Grandfather, Age 75
"Wow, Allison. Seriously?! This story is channeled from another world. These rhymes are FIRE and my whole body is tingling!"
-- Forest, Age 35
"Oh my G*d, Veda Visits the Dragon's Den is one of the best stories I have ever heard!!! You are such a beautiful, clear channel. I feel like that story is for any age; anyone can listen to that. I feel like I can taste the Divine. What an incredible light, thank you SO much for sharing." - Jen, age 30
Here is a review from Indigo Children. Their blog site is no longer in publication, so we share the full article here. Thank you Indigo Children for your support!
Through the spinning hoop with Allison Avalon & Veda’s Adventures
Have you ever thought you jump through a hoop into another dimension?
Austin Powers jumped through a spiral spinning spewing him into another time. There was Alice who ate an unidentified food source and entered into the realms of possibility through a mouse hole chasing a rabbit. There is Narnia, there is Sir Harry Potter and train station, Narnia can be found via portals in England’s tube supposedly as well (if you can’t make it to the countryside cabinet entrance). There are fairy tales and there is middle earth, there are shaman’s and there is Carlos Castenada. There are children and toys and imagination. There are unicorns and play. But is there any reality to imagination?
For the first time in history an author, through the guise of a children’s book written for kids, has divulged the secret entrance to real secret world that exist right here next to our own. Children’s book author Ali Avalon, who herself may very well have traveled from the midsts off the coast of England 4000 years prior through Austin’s time machine, brings us a true story of magic. This book is a children’s book for adults, says the author. On the first page of the book, a quote in the mere background, sets the stage in the worlds of Oliver Wendel Holmes, “ We don’t grow old because we…we…grow old because we stop playing.” You’ll have to pick up the book (and maybe a magnifying glass to discover this secret) and you’ll have to pick up the book to discover them all or at least try.
Published by Full Circle publishing and released on both Indigo Children’s website and others, this new fairy tale of the Generation Z has set the stage for a chance that our children may grow up in a world of magic, fun, peace, enjoyment and play. Do you worry that the environment will die, the whales disappear, the wild horses slaughtered? You should, because when people wake up today they interact with technology and humans. This is unnatural. For the 2 or so million years of human evolution in these bodies with similar brains, we’ve interacted with thousands of animals, weather patterns, plants, landscapes, and only recently has it been reduced to a dog, a cat, a drawer full of electronics and other people –we’ll stay away from opinions of the human condition for now, but I’m sure you can deduce.
The author was featured in a New Yorker Magazine profile taking a look deep into the environmentalists of the future. We’re not talking about hippies holding signs or living on buses talking about “changing the world,” we are talking about humans that understand humanity, nature and the connection between the two. We are talking about people that understand how our future generations must have access to nature and the true nature of play, imagination, dreams, support, community, and life for this world to have a chance. Avalon is of a group called the visionaries, the evolutionaries, the sustainablists. Looking back in 50 or 100 years, Ali Avalon may very well be considered one of the burners responsible for keeping our children, your children on track.
Sure, there are schools and recess, there are chat rooms on websites, there is even skype now. Who knows what will come next? Holographic screens and flying cars? While the world is focused on a future dependent upon moving forward, Ali has found and gives access through playshops, merchandise and all part of the overall story Veda’s Adventures. Veda is a normal kid with normal parents who want her to grow up and become a normal kid, they expect that. But Veda knows there is something more. She finds that something, not with a hoop but in it. You’ll have to read it to know what I mean and if you are lucky you’ll have the author coming to your town, check her website Vedasadventures.com for details. If you are as lucky as Indigo Children were to have her come through your town, you may see the sparkle in the eye of the beholder that may just instigate your decision to find this secret world too.
Avalon is an asset to our future.
This girl / woman, who does not purport to say whom Veda the character is taken from, is a sage of sorts. Only the prophet can return from the magical world of secrets and express how you too can get there. Avalon realized that she can’t change adults or bring them to this secret world, a window into 2035, 2077 when nature, play and fun all coincide. Avalon says it’s not worthy to focus on what we’re against, rather it’s about creating possible solutions through permaculture, voting with vegetable based ink on recycled paper and entering into a new world.
Ali Avalon has a secret knowing about here that almost makes you realize that the world society plays off as so real is actually just the imagination itself; and the real world is sitting somewhere on the other side of a circle, a full circle.
Think back through the likes of J.R.R. Tolkin, Lewis Carol, Mike Myers and the many others that have taken hundreds of pages or feature films to give us access to another world. They, for just one imaginative moment took us to another world to escape this one we have all had such trouble with: money, rent, school, illness, sickness, sadness, confusion, politics, depressions, wars. At the end of each imaginative experiment we had to return home, pay a bill, do homework and go to school again. Avalon’s literature does more than just give you access to another world, it tells you how to stay there.
In a world where this article is longer than most attention spans, and this sentence longer most people have time to read; Ali has brought the world of children’s books into the world of the adult. It is the first and only must read book for an adult to read, gift to, and share with a child fore it takes both out of the paradigm of ageism and into the real world where fantasy and reality find a future of hope. Our right to enjoy life, be with nature and others in a safe fun environment is returned to us by adventurous author Ali Avalon who so boldly takes us all a captain of the ship into the secret world we’ve all hoped exists.
Thank you Ali, see you on the other side.